Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lower Provo River Fishing (August 11, 2011)

This morning I went fishing with a friend (Jason) from my neighborhood along with his father (DK) and brother (Aaron). We parked at the river around 5:50 am and with a little bit of training we got on the river with our first cast at around 6:15 am. I was surprised how much colder it is getting in the morning and I can see my breath. The fishing started and ended slow for us. Between me working with each angler and fishing some of my own I was able to catch two fish one nice 16 1/2" Rainbow and a small Brown. DK was able to catch a nice 17" Rainbow and Aaron had 5 on his line but was not able to land them. We were fishing with barbless hooks and it takes some time getting familiar with the technique of how to keep the fish on. The morning was a slow fishing morning but still a good one. I will be heading up the the Green River Thursday afternoon and will be fishing Friday all-day and some on Saturday. Saturday is the Big Fish Challenge Green River event.

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