Monday, July 25, 2011

Lower Provo River fishing (July 23, 2011)

Another good morning fishing the Lower Provo River. It is Saturday and my son Bryton came along with me. It is always good to have a fishing buddy especially if that buddy is your son.

We started the morning early getting on the river early at 5:45 am. The fishing wasn't as hot as it was on July 21st but still we had some great results. I caught 7 fish at this spot. The fish in total were not as big as the ones I caught the other day but I think I caught the fattest 16 1/2" Rainbow in my fishing history. This fish was so fat I really had a hard time holding the fish in one hand for this photo.

Here are a few extra photos of some of the fish caught below the dam.

We went down river to try out some other spots and didn't have any luck. One thing that I learned that I thought was interesting was I found a pretty decent stream flowing into the Provo just above the Tunnel. I can see that this really changed the flow for the river below its input. I'm not sure what this stream is called but I need to find out its name.

The river up river from this stream looked perfect for jigging so we finished out the morning there. We spent about 1 hour fishing this spot and was surprised that we didn't catch anything. I thought for sure we would have caught some fish here because the flow and depth of the water is ideal for jigging. We tried different jig color patterns with no luck. I know that this spot will produce some good catches in the future so I will be back later to try it again.

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