Thursday, July 21, 2011

BIG FISH CHALLENGE - Provo River (July 16, 2011)


Saturday July 16 we had our first competition on the Provo River. Our base camp was located at Nunns Park Pavilion 1. The competition was an all day event from 7 am - 6 pm. The allowed fishing zone was from Deer Creek dam down to Olsmstead diversion (6 miles of river).

The weather was perfect a little cold in the morning but warmed up to a 90 degrees by the afternoon. The river flows all season has been crazy but this day they were perfect at around 490 cfs.

Winders Farms sponsored the breakfast that morning and right after the fisherman checked-in the grabbed a bit to eat they quickly headed out to start the day of fishing on the river. All of the participants checked in before 8 am. We had 10 participants total.

(Thank you Winder Farms for the breakfast!!)

After everyone had checked in and were out fishing I didn't hear from anyone else for hours. Around 10 am  one angler (Matt Landheim) checked back in around 10 am and he had caught a 14 1/4" brown and since he was the only one with results he instantly became the leader. Unfortunately he had to leave the competition early so he could get back home to help with an AC guy.

(Matt Landheim 14 1/4" Brown)
Around 11:30 am the fisherman started to check back in and by noon we had Pie Hole pizza delivered and it was delicious. During lunch we downloaded the images from the cameras and judged the results. After we had reviewed all of the results we had a change in leadership.

(Chris Greenwood 17 1/2" Rainbow)

(Thomas Huber 17 1/4" Rainbow)

After lunch the fisherman went back onto the river to finish out the competition. Up until 5:30 pm things were quit at base camp. During this time we found things to keep us entertained like playing cards. I had a great volunteer support group and I was very grateful for their help.

Around 5:30 pm fisherman started to come back and the final judging began. After we had reviewed all of the final results the leader board changed once again.

Tomas Huber caught the biggest fish of the competition. He caught a 18 1/4" Rainbow. This catch won Thomas a Hendrix Outdoors Wader, Fenwick Eagle GT Fly Rod and a Plueger Medalist 1492 1/2 Fly Reel.

Chris Greenwood caught the second biggest fish. He caught a 17 1/2" Brown. This catch won Chris an assortment pack of Dynamic Lures.

The competition was a big success and everyone that participated told me how much fun they had. I thank all of the fisherman that participated in the event. I also want to thank all of the volunteers and sponsors.  I couldn't have done with competition without them.

Click here to see all of the final results of all of the participants:

Our next event will be Aug 13 at the Green River (Dutch John, UT). At this event we will fish The Green River's sections A-B and will allow the use of a boat. I'm really looking forward to this event.

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