Friday, October 7, 2011

Weber River Fishing (October 10, 2011)

This morning I went fishing on the Weber River. I had the great honor to fish with Thomas Huber and Chris Greenwood (competitors and winners of the 2011 Big Fish Challenge). Thomas and Chris fished all three rivers of the competition and proved that they are Rock Star River Anglers. Today is my chance to fish with them and finally get to see them in action.

We got on the river around 7:15 am. Within a few casts Chris caught the first catch of the day which was a monster 20 3/4" Brown (biggest fish caught for the day), what a great way to start the morning.

I started doing what I know best and that is jig fishing. I jigged for the first 20-30 mins of the morning and quickly realized that my form of fishing on the Weber is not as effective as Chris and Tom's because I hadn't caught anything nor had a bite. At this point Chris and Tom had caught at least 5 fish each. "When in Rome do as the Romans do" came to mind so I took off my jig and tied up the spinner that Tom and Chris were using. I started fishing alongside them trying to learn their technique. Both Chris and Tom were very helpful and started to teach me. I felt like a golfer that was changing his golf swing. To me everything was off and at first it was hard to adjust. With some time I started to catch some fish and was slowly figuring things out. Often Chris and Tom caught fish at the same time.

These guys like to keep it fair so whenever they get into a good looking fishing hole they will do a 1,2,3 count and all cast at the same time. One time I remember all three of us doing this and all three of us caught a fish at the same time.

We got to about 3/4 of the way up river when I felt like I had finally figured it out and started catching fish close to the masters. Within 30 mins I had doubled my catch total and was looking for more. This is about the time I caught my biggest fish for the day.

I caught a Brown Trout measuring 18 3/4" (look at that sweet hooked jaw).

Tom caught the second biggest fish of the day and it was this nice 19 3/4" Brown.
Tom and Chris continued to catch nice fish and proved to me that these guys are master river anglers. It has been a long time since I have been out-fished (I was schooled and served up a nice slice of humble pie).

Tom and Chris, thank you so much for an awesome fishing day on the Weber River!

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