Thursday, August 4, 2011

Lower Provo River Fishing (August 4, 2011)

Another morning on the Lower Provo River. I got on the river about 5:45 am and the fishing started out slow. On about my 10th cast I hooked a fish but wasn't able to land it. I continued to fish and hooked another but couldn't bring it to shore. About 15 mins on the river I finally hooked and landed a 17" Rainbow. I continued to fish and caught and landed 2 additional Rainbows between 16"-17".

I started moving down river to some other spots and caught the catch of the morning. This fish fought hard and took the line down river. I walked down the river banks following the fish down so it wouldn't break my line or get away. I caught up with the fish and was able to bring it to shore. This fish was fat with some good length to it. The fish measured just under 18" and I wish I had a scale to measure its weight. This fish got my adrenalin running and was great to catch.

(18" Rainbow and me with a goofy smile)

I ended up hooking 8 fish and landed 5 Rainbows. I packed up and got back into my car and moved down the road. I walked down the trail for about 250 yards and found a really nice hole. I fished this hole for the remaining time and hooked 2 but didn't land any. Maybe next time I get out to fish I will have to ignore my favorite spot and start here first because I know that there will be some great fish to catch here in the future. Until next time, Happy Fishing!

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