Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lower Provo River Fishing (September 15, 2011)

I finally was able to get up early and go fishing on the Lower Provo River. I have had a few friends that have fished the Provo between the last time I went out and they had a hard time catching fish. This scared me a bit wondering if things have slowed down so this morning I wanted to see what how I would do.

It was light enough to fish at around 6:35 am but I didn't get on the river until about 6:50 am. The morning started out slow it was looking like I was going to follow my friend's footsteps until I hooked the first fish which was a nice 15" Rainbow. I continued to fish and caught another 15" Rainbow then I caught the catch of the morning a rare 20" Walleye (shown below). This fish hit hard and hunkered down on the bottom of the river holding strong. I finally got him to the banks and couldn't believe my catch. With his big mouth he swallowed my jig deep and I was barely able to grab the head of the jig with my fingers to get it out. After I caught the Walleye I caught one additional 15" Rainbow and this finished out my 1 hour of morning fishing before I had to get to work. This morning was a good morning of fishing. Before today I have only seen one other Walleye caught and that was by my 10 year old son earlier in the season.